Korean Sciety of Acute Care Surgery
1. Data needed for creating accounts and using JAMS services We may use personal information to verify identity, assist with identification of users, determineappropriate services andto send important notices.
2. Various data related with journal paper submission and conference participation We may also use personal information to perform the process of journal article submission, review and publication.
Essential required data : your name(Korean, English), birthday, gender, email address, phone number, mobile phone number, post code, mailing address, address code(home or office), affiliation(Korean, English), location of affiliation, field of study
Optional extra data : your name(Chinese character), department, position, affiliation code, nation, bank account information, academic career, license information
1. Data needed for creating accounts and using KSACS services: semi-permanent
2. Various data related with journal paper submission and conference participation: semi-permanent
All personal information you provide us are safely protected by NRF security systems such as firewall.
Only a few system administrator have authentication to access and manage userpersonal information, and they continuously receive security training. We may keep and store log records of the data servers which contain personal information to monitor data process.
You are not required to provide the personal information that we have requested, but, if you chose not to do so, creating account is impossibleand using several services of KSACS may be limited.
The first version of this privacy policy was enacted on August 17, 2007. KSACS may change its privacy policy to apply statutes revision or updated security technologies. When we change the policy in a material way, a notice will be posted on KSACS along with the updated privacy policy.