행사명(국문) | 제16회 대한외상중환자외과학회 학술대회 |
행사일시 | 2019-04-19 ~ 2019-04-20 |
장소(국문) | 백범김구기념관 |
주제 | 연자 | 파일다운 |
Surgical management of pancreatic injuries |
Ari Leppaniemi (Helsinki University Central Hospital, Finland) |
The Current Knowledge of Coagulopathy in Trauma |
김남렬 (고려의대) |
Maternal Fetal Trauma |
Bonnie McCracken (UC Davis Medical Center, USA) |
How to organize emergency surgery services |
Ari Leppaniemi (Helsinki University Central Hospital, Finland) |
How to manage VAP? |
이재명 (고려의대) |
How to manage MDR pathogen in HAP/VAP? |
강철인 (성균관의대) |
Updated treatment in ARDS |
조재화 (연세의대) |
New strategy in treatment of acute appendicits |
최정필 (울산의대) |
Surgical consideration of acute abdomen in peptic ulcer and stress ulcer |
배정민 (영남의대) |
Antibiotic treatment in acute abdomen |
정윤태 (아주의대) |
Fasciotomy |
윤재철 (한림의대) |
Bed-side procedure |
마대성 (가천의대) |
Enteroatmospheric fistula |
Ari Leppaniemi (Helsinki University Central Hospital, Finland) |
Major vascular injury |
김동훈 (단국의대) |
환자분 정신차리세요! |
박보빈 (서울아산병원) |
ABGA 숫자들의 의미? |
정주희 (의정부성모병원) |
숨소리가 이상해요! |
백지윤 (원주세브란스병원) |
Pull it all together! |
송미경 (아주대학교병원) |
General physiology in geriatrics |
하태순 (순천향의대) |
Treatment strategy in geriatric trauma patients |
유병철 (가천의대) |
Do-Not-Resuscitate in surgical ICU |
홍석경 (울산의대) |
Trauma Nursing Leadership |
Bonnie McCracken (UC Davis Medical Center, USA) |
119 구급차를 이용한 이송 |
이대상 (가톨릭의대) |
Doctor car를 이용한 이송 |
김지훈 (울산의대) |
항공 이송과 Tele-communication |
정경원 (아주의대) |
Six-month morbidity and mortality in ICU patients |
김은영 (가톨릭의대) |
Tracheostomy |
최낙준 (고려의대) |
Feeding tube insertion |
길은미 (성균관의대) |
Central line insertion |
김성엽 (연세원주의대) |
When and How to do bronchoscopy in ICU |
강민창 (순천향의대) |
Effectiveness of hemostatic gauze use in preperitoneal pelvic packing for hemodynamic instability due to severe pelvic fracture |
장지영 (원주 세브란스 기독병원) |
Effectiveness of Delta neutrophil index in pelvic fracture patients who underwent preperitoneal pelvic packing |
고지울 (원주 세브란스 기독병원) |
Vitamin D deficiency in critically ill patients with traumatic injuries in Korean population: Single center, Prospective observational study |
임경훈 (경북대학교병원) |
Splenic artery embolization in patients with blunt splenic injury: Clinical course and follow-up |
이상봉 (부산대학교병원) |
Occult pneumothorax in trauma patients : incidence, risk factors and outcomes |
최영운 (원주 세브란스 기독병원) |