행사명(국문) | 제18회 대한외상중환자외과학회 학술대회 |
행사일시 | 2020-09-26 ~ |
장소(국문) | 온라인 학술대회 |
주제 | 연자 | 파일다운 |
Preventable trauma deaths review in Korea and corrective action plans |
(김윤, 서울의대) |
Preventable trauma deaths review in Korea and corrective action plans |
(김윤, 서울의대) |
Preventable trauma deaths review in Korea and corrective action plans |
(김윤, 서울의대) |
Corrective action plans based on qualitative analysis of preventalbe trauma deaths |
(정경원, 아주의대) |
Discussion | ||
Treating complicated intra-abdominal infection with Tygacil in the era of antimicrobial resistance |
(오승영, 서울의대) |
How To Catch Hemodynamics |
(홍석경, 울산의대) |
Shock: Hemorrhagic vs. Septic |
(강민창, 순천향의대) |
Coagulopathy: Traumatic vs. Septic |
(이재명, 고려의대) |
Discussion |
정필영 (연세원주의대), 조준민 (고려의대) |
Panperitonitis: Trauma vs. Acute abdomen |
(이학재, 울산의대) |
Traumatic solid organ injury: Surgery vs. Intervention |
(이길재, 가천의대) |
Discussion |
김마루 (가톨릭의대), 문성표 (조선의대) |
The surgeon and intensivist; Role in infectious disease? |
(박치민, 성균관의대) |
Real experiences at Daegu: Surgeon's aspect |
(정승우, 창원한마음병원) |
Real experiences at Daegu: Nurse's aspect |
(민은아, 국립중앙의료원) |
Emergency Operation in Post-Corona Era |
(김영환, 국립중앙의료원) |
Therapeutic challenges of degloving soft-tissue injuries |
(서영철, 가톨릭의대) |
Pressure sores in the acute trauma patients |
(서여원, 아주대병원) |
Surgical wound management |
(김근영, 전남대병원) |
Sepsis and septic shock: Guideline-based management |
(최낙준, 고려의대) |
Antibiotic recommendations for sepsis and septic shock |
(장지영, 국민건강보험 일산병원) |
Ensuring early recognition of sepsis and septic shock |
(최선희, 서울아산병원) |
Discussion - Panel: |
(이학재, 울산의대) |
The surgeon and intensivist; Role in infectious disease? |
(박치민, 성균관의대) |
Clinical Outcomes of Application of Extracorporeal Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation forCardiac Arrest of Surgical Patients |
백종관 (서울아산병원 중환자외상외과) |
Treatment and prognosis of perforated gastric cancer |
방휘재 (연세대학교 원주의과대학 외과) |
Clinical Characteristics of Trauma-induced Thrombotic MicroAngiopathy |
임경훈 (경북대학교병원 외상센터) |
Open Revascularization of Renal Artery Injury with Occlusion |
조자윤 (가천대 길병원) |
Outcome associated post-operative AKI in abdominal surgery |
정창연 (영남대병원) |
Impact of COVID-19 outbreak on timely surgical intervention in South Korea |
윤경원 (성균관대학교 의과대학 삼성서울병원 외과) |
Comparison of clinical outcomes between pelvic external fixation and pelvic binder inpatients with hemodynamic instability due to pelvic fracture in Korean regional traumacenters: multi-institutional cohort study |
장지영 (국민건강보험일산병원 외과) |
History of Anticoagulant and Antiplatelet Therapy as a Predictive Factor forTransfusion Requirement in Elderly Trauma Patients in Intensive Care: a RetrospectiveRegistry-based Cohort Analysis |
김세헌 (충북대병원 외상외과) |
Nonoperative treatment for peri-appendiceal abscess without interval appendectomy:A single center’s experience |
이인아 (연세대학교 세브란스병원 외과) |
The outcome of ECMO in the major trauma patient with shock |
김성집 (울산대병원) |